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Snapshop Photo
- The Domain, Auckla...
- Victoria Street
- Tea Kiosk, One Tre...
- Myers Kindergarten...
- Karitane Hospital,...
- Grafton Bridge, Au...
- Birkenhead, Auckla...
- Winter Gardens, Au...
- Birkenhead, Auckla...
- Old Cemetery Bridg...
- Grafton Bridge ca ...
- Cheltenham Beach, ...
- Ellerslie Racecour...
- Auckland NZ, from ...
- Karangahape Road, ...
- Town Hall
- Customs Street Eas...
- Seddon Memorial Co...
- Parnell
- Ferry Wharf and Bu...
- Lake Takapuna
- Shamrock Cottage
- Bell House, Pakura...
- The Pah, Mt Roskill
- Remuera School
- One Tree Hill (Mau...
- The Old Wind Mill
- Municipal Offices,...
- "Curio House" at T...
- Tea Kiosk at the D...
- Auckland
- Auckland Wharf
- "Glenalvon"
- Harbour Bridge, Au...
- Parnell from Const...
- Grey Lynn Borough ...
- Auckland, NZ
- Winter Gardens & P...
- Town Hall, Auckland
- Municipal Building...
- Parnell from Supre...
- Myers Park & Kinde...
- Auckland Housing
- Onehunga from One ...
- Manakau from One T...
- Auckland Housing
- Lake Takapuna, Auc...
- The Pirate Ship Ca...
- Freemans Bay recla...
- Auckland 1877
- Town Hall, Aucklan...
- The Domain
- Public library
- In the Domain
- Public Library
- Auckland Show - ro...
- Grey Street
- Rangitoto from Auc...
- Cottage near the W...
- Auckland
- Campbell Point & B...
- St George's Bay
- The Court, Winter ...
- Auckland Fire Brigade
- In the Domain
- Auckland City, N.Z.
- Ferry Buildings, A...
- Public Hospital
- Tramway Employee's...
- Theatre, Auckland ...
- Ellerslie Racecourse
- Custom House
- "Blanket of haze, ...
- Auckland
- St Stephen's Avenu...
- Devonport
- Grafton Bridge, Au...
- Public Library, Mu...
- Eden Crescent
- Auckland Hospital
- Grey St.
- Grey Street
- View from Albert Park
- Victoria Street
- View from Mt. Eden...
- One Tree Hill, Auc...
- King's Wharf Power...
- War Memorial Museum
- Auckland Exhibitio...
- North Shore
- Off the Auckland W...
- Auckland Wharf
- Ellerslie Racecourse
- Fire destroying ol...
- In the Domain, Auc...
- Albert Park
- Auckland Institute...
- Bishopscourt
- Churches
- Elam School of Art
- Government House
- Grammar Schools
- Harbours & Harbour...
- John Swan & Co
- Kings College
- Kohimarama St Andr...
- Manukau Harbour & ...
- Maritime Strike-1913
- Mechanics Bay
- Mount Eden
- Mount Eden Prison ...
- Province
- Provincial Council...
- Queen Street
- Queen St., Auckland
- Looking down Lower...
- Horse and Carts on...
- Showing Billboard ...
- Corner of Queen an...
- Queen Street showi...
- Queen Street and P...
- Queen Street, Auck...
- Showing the New Ze...
- Queen street
- Lower Queen street...
- Queen Street from ...
- Lower Queen St, Sa...
- Trams on Queen Street
- Trams on Queen Street
- Queen Street and C...
- General Post Offic...
- Rangitoto Island &...
- Supreme Court
- The Deanery
- University of Auck...
- Wharves & Shipping
- Zoo
- Albion Hotel
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The Drive. Hocken Digital Collections, accessed 16/02/2025,