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Snapshop Photo
- 1850-1859
- 1860-1880
- 1448_01_003A.jpg
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- 1448_01_029A.jpg
- 1448_01_030A.jpg
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- 1448_01_032A.jpg
- . Situated on S.W....
- 1448_01_034A.jpg
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- 1448_02_001A.jpg
- 1448_02_002A.jpg
- Launching of Danzig
- Waikiri Hotel, ab...
- see also Launching...
- see also Launching...
- Porter & Reed's Dr...
- Waihopai Hotel. O...
- Located where Town...
- Union Bank, South...
- Note Kerosene Lam...
- Site now occupied ...
- Dr Wilsons Homeopa...
- 1448_02_015A.jpg
- 1448_02_016A.jpg
- 1448_02_017A.jpg
- 1448_02_018A.jpg
- 1448_02_019A.jpg
- 1448_02_020A.jpg
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- 1448_02_026A.jpg
- 1448_02_027A.jpg
- Looking S.E. corne...
- 1448_01_002A.jpg
- 1881-1900
- Airport
- Banks
- Buildings [n.d. in...
- Crescent NMA Co
- Alliance Freezing ...
- War Memorial
- Waikiwi Hall
- Waterworks
- Water Tower
- The Hospital
- Railway Station
- Railway Station
- Lorne Farm
- Southland Hospital...
- R. &. A. Tapper
- Hospital
- Public Hospital n.d.
- J. & G. Brown Fami...
- Temperance Hall
- First house erecte...
- Post Office, Inver...
- Water Tower
- Southland Hospital...
- Water Tower, Inver...
- Nurses Home, Publi...
- Provincial govt. b...
- Kelvin Hotel
- Post Office
- Post Office
- Troopers Memorial
- Post Office
- Post Office
- Buildings post 1900
- Buildings pre 1900
- Churches
- St. John's
- First Church, Inve...
- St. John's Church-...
- First Church, Inve...
- [First Church Hall...
- R.C. Cathedral, In...
- St. John's Church
- R. C. Cathedral
- 1455_01_008A.jpg
- St. John's Anglica...
- St. John's Anglica...
- 1455_01_011A.jpg
- St. John's Church,...
- First Church
- Presbyterian Churc...
- St. Aidans Anglica...
- Holy Trinity Angli...
- Roman Catholic Cat...
- All Saints, Gladstone
- Dee Street
- 1456_01_019A.jpg
- 1456_01_020A.jpg
- Looking North
- 1456_01_023A.jpg
- 1456_01_024A.jpg
- Dee and Esk St. Co...
- Showing Lewis's Co...
- Todd's Auction Mart
- Dee St. Hospital
- Dee Street, Inverc...
- opp. P. O.
- 1456_01_004A.jpg
- 1456_01_005A.jpg
- Showing Sloans The...
- 1456_01_008A.jpg
- Old Post Office & ...
- Looking North
- 1456_01_011A.jpg
- Looking South
- 1456_01_013A.jpg
- 1456_01_014A.jpg
- 1456_01_015A.jpg
- 1456_01_016A.jpg
- 1456_01_017A.jpg
- 1456_01_018A.jpg
- Esk, Clyde, Don, K...
- Gardens
- Hotels
- n.d.
- Thomsons Bush, Dev...
- Canon St looking t...
- Bowling Green
- 1460_01_014A.jpg
- Otatara Looking W...
- 1460_01_016A.jpg
- Part of Invercargi...
- One of the first r...
- Most southerly Gas...
- 1460_01_020A.jpg
- 1460_01_021A.jpg
- "Panoramic view of...
- 1460_01_023A.jpg
- Otatara Borstal Br...
- 1460_01_025A.jpg
- Post Office Dee St...
- The Crescent - n.d
- Lennel
- River Bridge, Thom...
- Southland Bowling ...
- Thompsons Bush, Ba...
- Puhi Creek in Fore...
- From Water Tower
- Otepuni Creek loo...
- from roof of Albio...
- 1460_01_009A.jpg
- 1460_01_010A.jpg
- post 1900
- Residences Ellesla...
- Schools
- Tay Strret
- Town Hall
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Low quality image. For further information on use of low quality scans and on how to order a high quality image please see conditions of use.
. Situated on S.W. corner of Tay and Carow Sheets. Note gas lamps ca 1876
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Cancel Edit. Situated on S.W. corner of Tay and Carow Sheets. Note gas lamps ca 1876 (1860-80). Hocken Digital Collections, accessed 11/02/2025,