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Snapshop Photo
- Byrd 1928-1929
- Byrd 1933
- Whale Chasers in t...
- The pack ice thick...
- Scott Island
- Four whales
- [Sled dogs on ice ...
- [unpacking]
- [dogs waiting for ...
- The stately Empero...
- [Emperor Penguins]
- [Sledding]
- Two dog teams with...
- [two dog teams wit...
- [Unpacking]
- [Snow Vehicles]
- Sledges for Ex. Ba...
- [Bayne & Byron Gay]
- Husky
- [Dogs on board]
- [Cattle on board s...
- [Donkeys in the Snow]
- Aircraft- Sea plane
- [Cletrac tractor f...
- [Jacob Ruppert cut...
- [Tightly Packed St...
- [Ship showing cove...
- Rear Admiral Byrd ...
- [Crew Member]
- [Crew Member]
- [Expedition Members]
- [Penguins on board]
- [John Mair & Mac M...
- [Penguins On board]
- In pack ice
- [In open waters]
- Whale chasers in p...
- Whale chasers with...
- Eleanor Boling nea...
- The pack ice getti...
- Byrd 1933 Aircraft
- Byrd 1933 Bay of W...
- Byrd 1933 Dunedin
- Huskies aboard "Ja...
- Jacob Ruppert
- Jacob Ruppert
- [Rear Admiral Byrd...
- Rear Admiral Byrd ...
- Coffee morning on ...
- [Rear Admiral Byrd...
- City of New York a...
- [On board Discover...
- City of New York a...
- City of New York b...
- Rear Admiral Byrd ...
- Rear Admiral Byrd ...
- Rear-Admiral Byrd ...
- City of New York i...
- The North Star in ...
- Mr Konter, Miss Ma...
- In December on boa...
- [Cow before gettin...
- Jacob Ruppert tak...
- Paul Siple, Boy Sc...
- Mr Konter signing ...
- Eleanor Boling off...
- City of New York a...
- Ship "City of New ...
- Huskies
- Mr Konter after ta...
- Captain Brown, mas...
- Paul Siple, Boy Sc...
- ["Positively NO Sm...
- Rear Admiral Byrd ...
- [Crewman and Husky]
- [Cow before gettin...
- Byrd 1933 Panama C...
- Byrd 1933 Ship Cit...
- Ellsworth
- Lincoln Ellsworth,...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Ellsworth and Wife...
- Lincoln Ellsworth
- [Ellsworth in Center]
- [Ellsworth Expedit...
- [Ellsworth Expedit...
- [In pack ice]
- Ellsworth (center)...
- [Ellsworth Expedit...
- Ellsworth Expediti...
- Lincoln Ellsworth
- [Ellsworth Expedit...
- Supplies on the ice
- 0094_01_015A.jpg
- As seen from the ice
- Crew members
- Crew member
- Meeting the "Wyatt...
- Ships in Antarctic...
- Ellsworth and wife[?]
- Ellsworth Aircraft
- Ellsworth at Mount...
- Ellsworth Dunedin
- Mawson
- Norsel
- Scott
- Shackleton
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The Weasel has transported the large aircraft container which is to be used at "Maudheim"
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Cancel EditThe Weasel has transported the large aircraft container which is to be used at "Maudheim". Hocken Digital Collections, accessed 16/02/2025,