University of Otago Library
Hocken Collections | Te Uare Taoka o Hākena
Herries Beattie Collection
A list of addresses and talks given to societies by Herries
Papers and notes relating to addresses and talks given
Outlines of a speech on the collecting and recording of Otago's history
Notes relating to a speech entitled, 'Recording Otago's history'
Talk entitled, 'New Zealand's progress and resources'
Talk on early Gore
Talk entitled, 'The Maori'
Talk entitled, 'The history of Riverton, retrospect and reflection'
Talk entitled, 'Debatable points in Otago's history'
Talk entitled, 'Maori associations with the MacKenzie country'
Talk entitled, 'Britain's youngest dominion'
Talk entitled, 'The Maoris in Otago'
Paper entitled, 'The old homestead'
Paper entitled, 'New Zealand; A retrospect'
Paper entitled, 'A sham fight'
Paper entitled, 'Reminiscences and anecdotes'
Poem entitled, 'Nevermore', written by W. Boyd / transcribed by Herries
Talk entitled, 'The origin of kingship'
Poem entitled, 'Our society - aged 21 years'
Paper entitled, 'Civilised warfare through coloured spectacles'
Verse entitled, 'Nonsense jingles'
Papers entitled, 'The importance of history' and 'New Zealand; A retrospect 1'